“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.
Wayne Dyer

When I first moved in to the US back in 2001 I was in my mid-20s, full of dreams, I wanted to travel the world, get to know different cultures, different kinds of food, fly free, and also create a family of my own.

But there was one thing I didn’t want, and it was to live in the US.  Funny and ironic, right?

I didn’t like the country, I had never dreamed of living in the US like my husband did, I was just following him. I thought it was cool to live in Miami for a few years and I was determined to go back to my tiny country, Uruguay, where I was born and raised. Or any other country, maybe Brasil, where my husband is from, or Italy where my family was originated.

I would talk to people about this and they would tell me… Oh.. you will see.. after your kids are born and you form a family you are going to change your mind.

And I would think.. they are crazy.. I’m not living the rest of my life in this country.

I remember my first Thanksgiving, I was not working yet so I would have plenty of time at the house waiting and not doing much, and I thought to myself.. I don’t want to spend 4 days in a row in my house without doing much. I wasn’t familiarized with the traditions, I was not celebrating, it was torture for me.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because we are in 2020 and I am still living in the US. And let me tell you something.. I am happy and I would not move back to my country.

People were right, I created my family, I learned the traditions, and by the way, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, I love food, Giving Thanks is one of my favorite things and I now enjoy 4 days in a row in the house with my family and friends.

This country has offered me great opportunities, I met amazing people and developed wonderful friendships and relationships and I love it. I even became an American Citizen and I am very proud of singing the National Anthem and the reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

I still don’t think is Perfect. There is no such a perfect place…

But I learned that something that really felt very weird and impossible at the beginning, turned into a beautiful and magnificent opportunity. And I made it happen. Because over the years I change the way I look at this country. I started seeing the little hidden gems of everyday life and I learned to love it.

I have 3 loving kids, 3 pets and a very bright husband that dedicates his life to us.
Things have not been always been perfect, but I learned from two dear mentors that they will always be “Perfectly Imperfect”.

So today I want to invite you to start Your Healthy Eating Journey with me!!!

It might sound weird, uncomfortable, impossible, unattainable, but I promise you that if you dare to Change, little by little, the way you look at things.. Things will change!!

There is gold at the bottom of the rainbow.. so I invite you to Eat the Rainbow and discover a chest full of healthy treasures, like a radiant life full of energy, free from dis-ease, free from guilt and empower yourself to pursue your dreams, like the ones I had 20 years ago.

Many of them came true and I am still working on some new ones… always dreaming!

See you in the kitchen…. Welcome to my world!


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