By now you know I love to Eat the Rainbow!!! The more colors we add to our food the most benefits we get from it, more nutrients, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, good fats, and the list goes on.
We get more energy and our bodies function better and smoothly because we are getting the right fuel.
BUT I was not always like that….
In my teenager years I loved to make and eat sweets with my friends and family. There was always an excuse to make some cookies, any kind of cake and candies, specially gummy bears, were a treat (I still eat a few here and there.. but don’t tell anybody… lol)
In my late 20s, a couple of years before I moved to the US, the big fast food restaurants, junk food I should say, landed in Uruguay and everybody was delighted by them. It was like being in the movies we saw on TV. It was so easy to get and delicious, it was even a treat for us to go to the mall an eat at one of the hamburger restaurants.
At that time, I was working for United Airlines and we held an event with the Golden Arch famous Fast food chain and you can see how happy I was drinking my soda with the famous “Mc Donald’s Hamburglar” character.
Visits to the US were more frequently and I was eating more and more junk food. And when I finally moved to Miami things got worse. I started having stomach problems, heart burn, acid reflux, kidney stones and on top of that I gained about 25 pounds.
Slowly I began to realize a change in my diet was needed. I went thru 3 pregnancies and delivered 3 beautiful and healthy kids and was eating healthier but still gain more pounds. Eventually I lost the pregnancy weight but I was always carrying with at least 20 extra pounds. Life was crazy, my schedule was super busy, work, family, young kids, Dr’s appointments, school issues, kids getting sick, I hardly had time for myself and without realizing I got caught on the hamster wheel and end up eating a lot of processed foods.
But life has those twists and turns and showed me my way back to healthy eating. That was when I realized the huge impact food has on our bodies and how we can prevent and revert dis-eases by consuming the right foods.
That changed my perspective about food and eating habits dramatically, and I started shifting my gears toward Holisitc Foods.
The results I experienced by eating the right food were excellent, I changed my mindset and as I adjusted my diet I started feeling more energetic, I lost most of the extra weight I was carrying for years and all of a sudden my body was working much better and smoothly.
That is why now I dedicate my life to teach people the importance of eating whole foods that will feed the mind, body and soul.
We have the power and capacity to have a Wonderful Life, to Feel Our Best and we can achieve that thru the food we eat.
We are constantly bombarde by the media and advertising campaigns that lead us to a world of fast and processed food. That lifestyle is pushing us into a downward spiral that will only take us to the hospital, huge medical bills and tons of medicines and pills.
Instead, we can Use Food as Medicine and help our bodies prevent and cure dis-eases.
It sounds simple and IT IS very simple to achieve!!! We only have to adjust a few processes, twist some screws and once we start pumping in the right fuel to our bodies we are on a road to a Happy, Healthy and Joyful Life!